The William Collins window
30.11.19 Unveiling, and presentation of Hamburg’s restored William Collins window, from the Katharinenhof Mühlenberger Weg 33/35, Hamburg.
In connection with a historic building, which is planned to be a new aeronautics Think-tank in Hamburg. On 30.11.19 the Bishop GmbH presented the unveiling and presentation of the magnificently restored Hamburg Collins Window (this had previously been located on the ground floor of the Katharinenhof, and was rescued in 2009 from the cellar in a 90% derelict condition by Peter Bishop). The restored stained glass window, depicts the beautiful Charity oil painting from New College by Sir Joshua Reynolds, Oxford. The Hamburg window which was damaged (possibly by WWII bomb blast), provided crucial information concerning accurate information for recreation of the London Collins window (destroyed in WWII nearly 80 years this month) for the important Sir John Soane’s art museum (
See the attached file for an article of the Soane Museum’s Collins Window. Short presentations were made on the Katharinenhof (Alk Friedrichsen), and by Collins Window restorer (Keith Barely), with refreshments.Finally, this work serves a perfect illustration of Germany and UK working together, to save and restored important works of art in both Hamburg and London for humanity, and future generations of art lovers.