Team Bishop GmbH attended HSH-Nordbank-Run 2014
Team Bishop GmbH attended HSH-Nordbank-Run 2014
The HSH Nordbank Run is a charity company run and it takes place once a year in Hafencity Hamburg. The run is aimed for everyone since the running route of only 4 km can be covered by everyone and it’s not about records but the focus is based on the track and fun! Part of the registration fees is donated to the association “Kinder helfen Kindern” (Children Helping Children).
On 21th June 2014, 14 employees of Bishop GmbH took part in the HSH run. The heavy clouds did not scare us away and we startet at about 13:52 hrs to ran the 4 km, finishing the marathon all together as a team. In total 150.000 euros were raised by all of 812 teams / 23.244 participants for the ‘’Children help children’’ initiative. This was also a great opportunity for us to meet again, in yet another context and have fun, while exercising our muscles. For further information, please check also
We thank all the participants and promise to come up soon with yet another interesting social event. We are looking to meet you soon.
Bishop Team, June 2014