HSH-Nordbank Run 2017 / 20th anniversary of Bishop GmbH
For the fourth time in a row, a team of the Bishop GmbH took part in the biggest charity run of North Germany. Exactly on the day of the 20thanniversary of Bishop GmbH, we started early on Saturday, 01st July, 2017 into the HSH Nordbank run at 10:32 hrs. Fortunately, the rain stopped for a while and the weather conditions was very well for running the 4 kilometer inside the HafenCity Hamburg. In total 831 teams with 24.218 registered runners participated at the run between 9 o’clock and 19 o’clock. For every announced runner a donation of 6 euros and 10 euros per team were donated to the association ‘children help children’ a project of the Hamburg newspaper. This year a total of 155,000,- euros were gathered for the beneficent purpose.
We are looking forward to next year’s HSH – Nordbank Run in Hamburg and would appreciate participation of our colleagues and friends.